There are lots of ways to engage students online. Some of these will require your students to be with you there at the same time; some of these they can do at their leisure.
- Peardeck - through your own Google Slide presentations, students can respond back with their own higher-level DOK answers (written or drawn or...) all at once.
- Kahoot - a really fun game-like format for answering multiple choice questions - with music!
- Edpuzzle - have the students respond to questions that you disperse throughout a video which you're having them watch in their own time.
- Padlet - a terrific bulletin board where students and you can post images, ideas, links...anything to get them all involved and connected to your subject.
- Quizziz - Fun game format and music like Kahoot, but allows you to have multiple choices as answers; answers are right on the (up to five!) cards.